Importance Of Physiotherapy | Before and After Surgery

Sancheti Hospital_Orthopedic physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

Every one of us values the ability to move and function independently in our activities of daily living. Patients, regardless of age, are seeking help or are referred for physiotherapy because physiotherapists are trained professionals to treat the physical impairments that are caused due to injury, trauma, disease or congenital health conditions. Physiotherapy is also for individuals who have no functional or structural impairments but wish to improve their quality of life. 

One of the fundamentals of physiotherapy is an individualized assessment and a carefully planned treatment regime for the subjective needs of the patient. This helps the physiotherapist to achieve the ultimate goal of the treatment regime. To bring the patient to an optimum, pain-free level of movement to perform mild to severe levels of physical activities. 

Physiotherapy: Impact on Physical Function

An exercise program is planned that is aimed to provide a meaningful functional outcome. Out of the plethora of interventions used by the physical therapists in the continuation of bringing the patient back to pain-free movement, therapeutic exercises hold a strong grip to improve/ restore the patient’s function.

Therapeutic exercise is systemic, in control planned physical movements to help the patient with the intend to;

  • Prevent worsening of the impairments of body structures and function. 
  • Remediate various congenital disorders. 
  • Improve or restore various body functions and enhance activity participation.
  • Prevent or help to reduce health-related risks. 
  • Optimize the overall fitness and sense of well-being. 

Types of Physiotherapy Interventions

Physiotherapy personifies a wide range of movement techniques. The individualized plan is based on the underlying risk and the clinical reasoning of the impairment in the body. It also focuses on the level of activity and participation of the individual. The types of exercise interventions specific to therapeutic exercises are: 

  • Muscle performance exercises, which includes muscle strength, power and endurance training. 
  • Stretching and Flexibility training, which includes muscle lengthening techniques and joint manipulation/mobilization techniques. 
  • Neuromuscular facilitation, inhibition and control. 
  • Aerobic conditioning and reconditioning.
  • Postural control, body ergonomics and stabilization exercises. 
  • Balance and agility training.
  • Breathing exercises and Ventilator Support Training. 
  • Task-specific functional training.

How safe is Physiotherapy? 

Regardless of the type of physical therapy intervention, the patient’s safety, of course, is paramount. Patient safety is the fundamental objective whether the exercise is performed under a therapist’s supervision or independently by the patient. 

A patient’s detailed health history (past and present medical and surgical history) is documented. Special attention is given to the patients who are unaccustomed to exertion due to physical exertion. Risk factors from exercises are carefully identified and weighed before a treatment session is initiated. Medical clearance from the patient’s surgeon/ physician is also considered before initiating an exercise program. 

Specifics to each intervention, the environment, the clinical setting and the equipment are tested beforehand. The accuracy and the safety of the movement patterns are supervised with appropriate speed, intensity and frequency. All in all, the physiotherapist incorporates the principles of joint protection techniques to minimize the risk of injury and provide maximum safety to the patient. 

Who can take Physiotherapy?

You can take Physiotherapy if you are someone who, 

  • Wishes to improve the functioning of the activities that are most important to you at the home, office, school, or during your leisure time. 
  • Needs help to perform activities independently. 
  • Wishes to perform the activities of daily living with pain-free movements.
  • Of all the activities you are finding difficult to perform, the activities you wish to do better and learn better. 
  • Admitted to Inpatient and Outpatient setup. 
  • Admitted to Intensive Critical Care.
  • Met with an accident/ after the surgery. 
  • Improve the quality of life. 
  • Healthy aging.

A physiotherapist understands how an exercise regime affects the tissues and the body systems and how the exercise-induced effects have an impact on improving the body structures and function.  The ultimate goal of physiotherapy is the achievement of a pain-free and symptom-free movement. Many health conditions suggestive of surgery are improved with the help of Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy not only plays an important role in post-operative treatment but also in many pre-operative cases. All in all, Physiotherapy is a boon to medical science and should be practised for the betterment of patients’ health. 


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