Research and Academics

The Sancheti Institute since the time of its inception in 1972 has been actively involved in research and innovation in Orthopaedic.
Over the years the institute has proved to be a leader in research in orthopaedic.
From designing and manufacturing of orthopaedic implants, to standardizing orthopaedic surgical techniques and collaborating with multinational companies in evaluation and testing of new drugs, the institute is proud to be a leader in defining the standard of care in orthopaedic surgery.


The Sancheti Research Center was officially inaugurated in November 2009 by Dr. Mohit Bhandari, Research Chair, Mc Master University, Canada.

Over the past two years the department has its credit 37 publications in indexed journals and is actively involved in 40 other ongoing academic studies.

Sancheti Collage Of Physiotheropy

The institute participates in clinical trials with the sole aim of staying at the forefront in orthopaedic research in order to provide the best and most up to date treatment for our Patients and to make a contribution to medical progress and academics.

With these aims, the department adheres to the highest standards in clinical research by strictly complying with good clinical practices and international conference on harmonization (ICH) Guidelines.

The department maintains its standard through periodical internal audits to ensure and maintain a strict protocol adherence, providing An adequate quality and full compliance with local and international standards through the study processes. The department also participates in training And research methodology by conducting yearly seminars on evidence based medicine and workshops in advanced good clinical practice. The department divides its research data into clinical and academic research to increase the efficiency and quality of data.

Sancheti Hospital

Clinical Research

The coordination of the vast amount of data generated from the institute and its ultimate development into international publications that influence the standard of care in orthopaedic involves considerable team effort.
Department of Clinical Research

  • Ms. Seema Bongane: Project Lead
  • Ms. Purva Joshi: Research Co-ordinator
  • Ms. Aditi Bahadur: Research Co-ordinator
  • Ms. Mohini Naranje: Research and Data Co-ordinator
  • Mrs. Sarika Bhor: Research Pharmacist  Co-ordinat
  • Ms. Shweta Pawar: Academics Research Coordinator

Over-view of clinical research activities

  • The department has developed its own Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure the strictest adherence to protocol.
  • Maintaining training files of all the research team members to ensure they are GCP trained and qualified.
  • Timely calibration of equipment including centrifuge, weighing machine, stadiometer, sphygmomanometer, thermometer, etc.
  • Upgrading the X-ray and DXA machines on timely basis. A regular quality control and quality assurance of these equipment is performed by the research coordinators.
  • The research patients’ source files are maintained and the source documentation is completed on a timely basis. The data is kept under lock and key in a secure place with limited access to maintain confidentiality of the data.
  • Notifying the Ethics Committee by submitting a periodic progress report of the trials conducted. Other submissions including the DCGI approvals, protocol and ICF amendments, serious adverse events, etc are done on timely basis thus keeping the EC updated.
  • Temperature logs are maintained for the deep freezer where the investigational product (IP) is stored to ensure there is no temperature excursion occurring at the site.
  • A check list of all the investigational products, laboratory kits, the packaging material, temperature data loggers is maintained at the site. This helps to locate IP box and identify used or expired kits or boxes.
  • Maintaining the patient visit schedules as per protocol. The patients are followed and a reminder call 3 days prior and then again one day prior to their scheduled visit has helped us achieve 0% lost to follow-up and missed visits at our site.
  • Strict adherence to this schedule is a part of our protocol and this has helped the sponsor to have a clean and valid data from our site.
  • Telephone log is maintained which provides details of the time and date of the call, person called and issues discussed.

Quality Assurance

The department assures quality by having monthly internal audits as well as audits from different sponsors routinely.

Being regularly scrutinized by external monitors ensures the accuracy in data. The quality of data is an example of one of the best research sites in India.

Sancheti Hospital_Vision

The Academic Research Division

The Academic Research Division is involved in the co-ordination of academic research and publications.

Dr. Ashok Shyam

Head of Academic Research Division

Mrs. Chaitali Deshmukh

Research Data Co-ordinator

Mrs. Neha Pancholi

Research Data Co-ordinator

Ms. Rupali Kavhale

Research Data Co-ordinator

The department is involved in the design of study protocol. With emerging trends in orthopaedic, it ensures that the studies conducted at the institute deal with the questions faced today with the present standard of care in Orthopaedic. All study protocols are designed based on the latest review of literature.
The research data is collected according to these various protocols and patients, both on out-patient department (OPD) as well as in-patient department (IPD) basis are asked to provide the information related to their clinical condition.

The relevant clinical history, surgical details, various orthopaedic scores are also obtained from the patients’ medical records, the operation theatre notes, discharge summaries, their surgeons, residents, etc.

The quality of life questionnaires are administered to each operated patient at specific intervals during their hospital stay and subsequently during follow-up visits in the OPDs. The real time data including the visual analogue scale (VAS), ambulatory status, orthopaedic scores and quality of life questionnaires are of utmost importance in achieving a clean and valid data and thus addressing the research question.

The research data coordinators are placed at different OPD cubicles such as trauma, spine, paediatric, cold, and arthroplasty. Data is collected from all the patients including those for follow-up after surgeries.

The data collected is then entered into a secure electronic data capture system which is accessible only to research team members. The master charts are designed and organized according to the research protocols and the data collected is entered into the master charts according to patients’ visit.

A record of all the scanograms conducted at the institute has been maintained.

It becomes easier and readily accessible to the researchers who save a lot of time as data collection and then collation of the data into a well designed master chart is a lot more time consuming than the final review and publication of research papers. This has greatly helped the researchers to have a number of publications within a short span of time.

With a coordinated system in place and great team work the department ensures that every condition is a potential publication

Sancheti Hospital
Sancheti Hospital
Sancheti Hospital
Sancheti Hospital
Sancheti Hospital


Sancheti Institute – Excellence in Higher Education

The Sancheti institute since 1974 has been a recognized post graduate training center for orthopaedic surgery. As of today the Institute has trained more then 400 doctors. Headed by Dr. K. H. Sancheti, the institute emphasizes a whole some approach in education to teach post-graduate doctors not just to be good doctors but how to lead a good life.

The institute also offers specialized training for post-graduates in the form of fellowships in arthroplasty, arthroscopy, trauma, spine, shoulder,pediatric orthopaedic and research fellowships.

The institute emphasizes the need for research and practice of evidence based medicine. It also lays tremendous importance on sincerity and discipline.

The institute presently offers the following degrees – All degrees are recognized by the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nasik.

  • Masters in Orthopaedic Surgery – 8 seats
  • Diploma in Orthopaedic Surgery – 5 seats
Sancheti Hospital

Post – Graduate training in Sancheti Institute

Admission is through the PGM-CET, AMUPMDC CET, AIEE. Few seats are also reserved for the NRI quota.

Unique to the institution is its methodology of imparting specialized post – graduate training in Orthopaedic. Unlike other institutes the day starts with meditation at sharp 6:30am which is followed by a teaching program for 45 minutes which is chaired by a consultant. This is followed by a Consultants meeting where in all pre-operative, post-operative and difficult cases are discussed in a cordial manner with residents. Such practice has been the key to excellence in the institute.

The institute also lays strict emphasis to discipline and students are not permitted to be absent for meetings. Permission for leave is as per the guidelines laid down by the Maharashtra university

All students, whether for the master or the diploma degree are required to compulsorily complete a thesis which should be accepted for publication prior to them giving their qualifying degree examination. Strict review of the log book is done monthly.

All students are also encouraged to present papers and posters in national and international conferences.

Fellowship training In Orthopaedic Specialities

The Sancheti fellowship training program has received fellows from many countries apart from local doctors

Fellowships offered include

  • Fellowship in Arthroplasty
  • Fellowship in Arthroscopy
  • Fellowship in Spine
  • Fellowship in Pediatric Orthopaedic

Criteria for admission is through review of CV and completion of 3 years post – degree is mandatory.


Surgical Skills Laboratory and Museum:

Sancheti skills laboratory is aimed at providing hands on experience to students in arthroscopy and arthroplasty.
It is also equipped with bone models and latest AO videos for training in trauma principles.
The institute also has one of the finest collections of specimens in orthopaedic for impartment of orthopaedic training

Library :

The library offers 24 hour reading facility for post – graduate students.
The library receives almost all the journals in orthopaedic, has ll the standard textbooks in orthopaedic and provides 24 hour access to online journals.

Clinical Meeting Room:

Air-conditioned 75 seat auditorium with audiovisual facilities.

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