What we do:

The goal of the Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) support group is to provide multidisciplinary spinal cord injury services that include fundamental information from spine specialists, neurologists, urologists, physical therapists, and rehabilitation for psychological, vocational, and recreational needs for overall well being.

Our support group’s mission is to instill optimism and hope among those who have suffered spinal cord injuries. SCI is a severe psycho social condition that leaves a person permanently physically unable and significantly alters their quality of life. Still lacking in our country are awareness campaigns and policies to assist the necessary post-SCI awareness. In order to face life with dignity after the wounded area has been stabilized, rehabilitation is essential. The bladder, colon, skin, bones, and other organs are all impacted by spinal cord injury in addition to the limbs. Therefore, our goal is to spread knowledge and provide fundamental safety precautions. therefore, our goal is to provide information on these specialties as well as essential steps to be performed after an injury.

Services Offered

The offered services will be hybrid, including both online seminars and lectures through zoom and conventional camp. The following listed activities will be free of charge for the members. Any other consultations with specialty doctors will be charged as per hospital norms.

Sr. No Topic Month
1 Webinar on SCI in conflicts and Disaster: Prepare and Prevent September ‘22
2 Psychological aspects for patients with SCI November ‘22
3 Advanced Surgical Technologies January ‘23
4 Patient inspiration stories March ‘23
5 Sex Education for patients with SCI May ‘23
6 Paediatric SCI rehab July ‘23
7 Vocational rehab post SCI September ‘23

Free SCI camp will be held in September ’23, which will be inclusive free consultations in all specialities.

Ideal member of the group (Who can be a member?)

Any individual who has ever experienced a SCI at any moment during their existence. People who want to interact with other patients, physicians, and medical professionals, or who want to share their personal experiences and aid those who have suffered similar injuries.


    Your personal information will be kept securely, processed on a computer database and used only to contact you about the support group.  It will be stored for as long as you continue to attend the support group.   We’d love to keep you updated with the latest spinal cord injury news, events, support services, campaigns and ways you can get involved. You can also ask us to stop contacting you at any time, should you decide not to continue to participate.

    Phone no:  020 28999234/ 9112200573