8 Year Old Boy With A Simple Bone Cyst.

A few years ago, an 8-year-old boy, with no recent injury or accident, was brought in by his parents with pain in his right arm. After discovering a lesion and weakened bone, it was later found that he had developed a BONE CYST.

Sancheti Hospital doctors decided to treat this cyst by placing rods inside the bone. Thus, the surgery was performed and within a period of four to five months, the bone completely healed.The happy recovered patient visited the hospital recently and it was gratifying for everyone at Sancheti Hospital to see that he has completely recovered. He can perform his daily activities and play sports with no sign of pain.

Notably, with the kids, there are a lot of problems that can occur without any physical injury, or a congenital issue, therefore, our doctors at Sancheti Hospital always emphasize the importance of having a check-up done for any complaint of recurring pain. A timely diagnosis can save them from big trouble later.

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