The complete guide for spine surgery recovery


This article is for you if you are scheduled to have spine and back surgery or have already undergone one! Do not stress about it; find all the relevant information you need during your spine surgery recovery time.

Recovery tips after spine surgery
Eat nutritious food
Eat high-fiber and protein-rich food to prevent constipation after the surgery. Include whole beans, pulses, and nuts, along with plenty of water in your daily diet.

Use ice packs and heating pads
For postoperative pain relief, you can use ice packs and heating pads for 15 to 20 minutes. Leave at least two hours of a gap before your next session.

Make use of a cane or walker
Use a cane or walker to support your weak back while you regain the lost balance and strength after the initial days of your surgery.

Cushion your back with a body pillow
With a soft pillow on your back, you can rest in the best position that you are comfortable in. There are different types of pillows, which you can use for all your spine problems.

Use a back brace for added support
If your surgeon suggests wearing a back brace, do not ignore it. Back braces are usually used to support and stabilise your neck and back and limit rapid and harsh spinal movements. The back brace looks like a vest that you can strap on and off easily.

How to sleep after spine surgery?
Your spine must be in a neutral position while you sleep. You must not rest on your belly, as the spine alignment will be disturbed. You can sleep on your back or side, wearing satin pajamas, so it is easy to switch sides. Elevate your upper back with a pillow and keep a towel under your knees to prevent strain while sleeping.

What exercise routine can you follow after spine surgery?

Lower back exercises help you regain strength and balance after your spine surgery. Here are the most effective rehabilitative exercises which you can follow:

Heel slides
Lie on your back with a mat if you are uncomfortable while doing it on the floor. When you are ready, bend and straighten your knee ten times.

Wall squats
Lean against the wall and bend your knees till they are at a 45-degree angle. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and release. Repeat it twice or thrice every day.

Straight leg raises
Straight leg raise is an excellent exercise if you are recovering from spinal surgery on your lower lumbar region. Lie on your back on a mat. Bend one knee while you lift another leg to an extent in the air. Hold this position for 10 seconds before you relax.

How long does it take to recover from back surgery?
Depending on the severity of the condition, it may vary for every patient. However, it takes 4 to 6 weeks for an average person to recover from back surgery. You will be discharged in one or two days after the procedure. The expected level of mobility and function is after a month. You need not worry about this, as your surgeon will instruct you to care based on your body’s adaptability.

How can Sancheti Hospital help you?
One of the country’s forerunners for surgery, the Sancheti’s Spine Center team has excellent care specialties for your back and neck. Book an appointment with us and treat your spine the best way possible!

People also ask
Can a person walk after spinal surgery?
If your spinal surgery was done through minimally invasive techniques, you can walk on the day of surgery. However, you may not be able to walk with the same vigour as before for around four to five weeks.

After what duration of the spine surgery can one bend over?
Since the standard recovery gradually develops after six weeks, initially you cannot bend too much. Increase the angle of bending after eight weeks.

What can you not do after spinal surgery?
Do not put too much pressure on the operated area of your spine. This includes bending, twisting, and lifting heavy objects of more than one or two kg. You are also asked not to stand or sit for an extended period, which can delay your healing process.

How long does the pain last after spinal surgery?
It can take up to six weeks for an average person to recover from the pain associated with spinal surgery. However, it depends on every individual’s health and lifestyle. As long as there is proper care for your operated area, you will recover soon.

Is a recliner good after back surgery?
Even though you are not advised to sit long after your surgery, recliners can help get a better alignment along your spine, as they give additional support to your back compared to other chairs.

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