Shantanu Underwent A Successful Surgery

Sancheti Hospital_Patient Testimonial

Life is uncertain and one such uncertain incident took place in the life of Shantanu. Shantanu met with a road accident in an attempt to save a stray dog who came in his way. Little did he know that it would cost him fractures of his leg and injuries to his arm. 

Shantanu and his family were immediately rushed to Sancheti Hospital. The family was well versed with the orthopedic treatment from previous recommendations and without giving a second thought Shantanu was brought to Sancheti Hospital.

The moment Shantanu came to Sancheti Hospital, the doctors immediately took charge of his case. They assessed him and suggested an X-ray. X-ray was taken and the reports were shared with Dr Chetan Pradhan, Trauma Consultant at Sancheti Hospital. Dr Pradhan consulted and counseled the family about the surgery needed. He explained the importance of surgery to the family, solved their doubts and with the consent of the family Shantanu’s surgery was performed the next day. 

Shantanu’s surgery was a success! The tears of happiness in the eyes of the family members said it all. Their firm belief in Sancheti Hospital was restored. Shantanu says, “The response and the expertise of all the professionals here were exemplary. I am astounded by it. Everyone was at the top of their game, especially the residents. Really satisfied by the treatment.” 

Shantanu underwent successful surgery and they went back home with a smile on their faces and satisfaction in their hearts. 

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