Author: Vishal Shinde

78-year old spine fracture patient.

Recently, a patient, 78 years of age, came in with a case of weakened bones which had led to a fracture in the spine. This caused severe pain in his back, hindered his mobility, and he was entirely bed-ridden.

After examining his condition, Dr. Ajay Kothari and the team decided to treat him via VERTEBROPLASTY, which involves strengthening of the bone with the use of Bone Cement. Within two hours of the procedure, the patient stood up and started walking with his pain completely gone.

The patient is now completely recovered and enjoys his morning walks more than ever. Despite his age, the team at Sancheti, with a meticulously thought-about procedure, got him back on the track!

If there is a long course of treatment, then regular monitoring of liver and kidney function and blood picture (peripheral) is required. In patients who use anticoagulants together with Ambien (Zolpidem), it is necessary to regularly take tests for the values of the clotting blood system.

Truly, medical science has advanced beyond imagination and is helping patients heal as quickly as possible with minimally invasive procedures. We, at Sancheti Hospital, always yearn to learn about and implement the latest technologies, and we can, therefore, offer the most suitable treatment.

8 Year Old Boy With A Simple Bone Cyst.

A few years ago, an 8-year-old boy, with no recent injury or accident, was brought in by his parents with pain in his right arm. After discovering a lesion and weakened bone, it was later found that he had developed a BONE CYST.

Sancheti Hospital doctors decided to treat this cyst by placing rods inside the bone. Thus, the surgery was performed and within a period of four to five months, the bone completely healed.The happy recovered patient visited the hospital recently and it was gratifying for everyone at Sancheti Hospital to see that he has completely recovered. He can perform his daily activities and play sports with no sign of pain.

Notably, with the kids, there are a lot of problems that can occur without any physical injury, or a congenital issue, therefore, our doctors at Sancheti Hospital always emphasize the importance of having a check-up done for any complaint of recurring pain. A timely diagnosis can save them from big trouble later.

Sancheti Hospital

Pune Advance Orthopedic Trauma Course

Highlights of Pune Trauma Course 2018

  • Live Surgical Demonstrations by experts
  • Hands-on Workshops using latest implants &
  • Surgical Video Station.
  • Special sessions on EBM in trauma by Dr. Mohit Bhandari
    (Research Chair Mc Master University, Toronto)
  • No didactic lectures, Maximum case discussion by expert
    panel consisting of star International Faculty & Eminent
    National Faculty.
  • MMC Credit Points (Applied)
  • 1st Circular – PTC 2018

Manage Arthritis: Live Better

One of the biggest misconceptions today is about bones being made up of dead tissues. This is not true at all since they are as alive as other organs in our body. They are made up of cells, nerves, blood vessels and pain receptors and they can pain, a lot! If you have conditions such as stress fractures, certain cancers, arthritis, osteoporosis your bone can ache deep inside or hurt sharply on the surface.

World Arthritis Day was established by Arthritis and Rheumatism International (ARI) and is celebrated each year on 12th October to work toward increasing awareness of arthritis and other rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) worldwide. where efforts are taken to encourage people with RMDs, their families, and the general population to catch every opportunity to take action and make a difference to the quality of life of people with RMD.

Arthritis Pain and Limitations in Activities

A person suffering from arthritis has difficulty in walking even for half a kilometer, climbing, bending, kneeling, climbing stairs, lifting or pushing a heavy object, or grasping small objects. They also face difficulty in standing or sitting for more than two hours at a stretch. Incapability to participate in social activities and emotional challenges are other worries.

Arthritis Management: Healthy Lifestyle Choices

These lifestyle tips can greatly reduce your risk of developing some RMDs and also manage the existing condition better:

  • Stop smoking as it affects your immune system and also increases the amount of pain you feel.
    Stress can lead to mental tension which makes the pain worse and should be managed.
  • Get enough quality sleep for your mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Keep your alcohol intake in check.
  • Reduce the level sugars by cutting down on soft drinks, cereals, ready meals and processed foods.
  • Salt can cause a number of health conditions and adults should limit themselves to 5-6g a day.

Arthritis Pain Relief: Interesting Work-out Tips

If your joint hurts and you are not too eager on exercising, remember that exercise not only keeps those joints strong and flexible, it also promises pain relief for a host of conditions, osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and fibromyalgia.

Ativan should be taken carefully under the supervision of a psychiatrist, by people with a tendency to suicide, patients with alcohol or drug addiction. For more information about Ativan (Lorazepam), visit

Physician-recommended treatment for joint pain and stiffness can help keep your arthritis under control. You can also talk to your physician about adding these exercises to improve your condition:

  1. Water Walking: Walking in waist-deep water lessens the weight on joints by 50 percent compared to that of walking on land.
  2. Water Aerobics: This is usually done in chest-deep water, lessening the impact on your joints by 75 percent compared with traditional aerobics.
  3. Swimming: It will work all of your muscle groups and builds cardiovascular endurance but choose a stroke that is most comfortable for your joints.
  4. Golf: It works your upper back, legs, shoulders, wrists, and hands.
  5. Muscle strengthening activities: Do exercises that work all the major muscle groups of the body because strong muscles take some of the pressure off the joints.
  6. Balance activities: To prevent the risk of falling, practice backward walking, sidestepping, heel and toe walking, standing on 1 foot for at least 3 days a week.
Dream it, Be it!! – Paracycling

Dream it, Be it!! – Paracycling

Disability is just the inability to see ability. Our heroes, disabled soldiers validated this expression very aptly when they participated in BSF Gallant Ride 2016 and Curtain raiser Infinity ride 2017 conducted by the AMF (Aditya Mehta Foundation) and BSF (Border Security Forces) from November 24th – December 1stFrom Attari(Wagah border) to Chhawla, Delhi, a distance of 500kms. Despite losing their limbs for our nation’s sake, they continue to make us feel proud by setting an example. In order to raise awareness, aid and funds for para athletes they participated in a cycling event from Attari(Wagah border) to Delhi; a feat seemingly impossible for the differently abled achieved only through sheer determination and force of will. This ride was arranged on occasion of BSF Raising day which was on 1st December. It included 15 Para cyclists and 13 normal body people from BSF, CRPF, ITBP and civilians as well including Mr Aditya Mehta who has won Double silver Medals for India in Para Asian Cycling Championship and founder of Aditya Mehta Foundation.

As physiotherapists, we mostly treat patients in a clinical and community setting, so getting to interact with these ‘SUPERHUMANS’ was a great opportunity. We got to assist the AMF and BSF in planning and designing Divyaang Skill Development Centre which will be a disable friendly platform and a stepping stone for the AMFs vision to make India ‘World’s best country in Para-Sports. It will be a place where any person with a disability will be counselled to dream and be it, to live his life to the fullest and make the nation proud, again and again.
For everyone, every day, warmup and cool down sessions were conducted before and after the ride respectively. We treated 7 para cyclists and 4 able bodies for pain after ride. Making a Stroke (paralysis) affected patient ride for around 100kms on a bicycle was the moment of accomplishment for us.
Soma can be addictive. Misuse can cause dependence, overdose, or death. Soma is usually taken 3 times a day and at bedtime and should only be taken for 2 or 3 weeks. More information about muscle relaxant on website
We would like to thank Mr Salil Jain for giving us such an exceptional opportunity to work with Aditya Mehta foundation and Border Security forces and SICOP Principal Dr Savita Rairikar(PT), Dr ApurvShimpi(PT), Dr GajananBhalerao(PT) and Dr Ankit Shrivastava(PT) for supporting us throughout our journey. We also thank Mr Aditya Mehta and we look forward to work with him and for his cause again.

Dr Asha Shaikh(PT) 2ndMPTh

Dr RiddhiGoradia(PT) 2ndMPTh

Dr Manish Ray(PT) 2ndMPTh

Sancheti Hospital


The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is a framework for describing and organizing information on functioning and disability.

A workshop was conducted by Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI) at Sancheti Hospital & Medical College to promote the use of ICF in Tertiary Care Hospital & Medical College (both Govt. & Private Hospital).

L to R: Shri. Nitin Milan, Shri. Atul Shrivastava, Dr. Madhav Borate, Shri. Anujum Uddin, Shri. Srimant Kumar & Dr. P. Bokil.

The guests for this workshop were Shri. Srimant Kumar (ISS, Deputy Director, CBHI, DGHS, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare), Shri. Atul Shrivastava (Co-Principal & Investigator, Gandhi Medical College, Advisor to Govt. of India), Shri. Nitin Milan & Shri. Anujum Uddin (JSO)

Dr. Madhav Borate (Medical Superintendent & Head of Academics, Sancheti Institute) welcomed all the dignitaries.
Lecture on ICF was given by Shri. Atul Shrivastava (Co-Principal & Investigator, Gandhi Medical College, Advisor to Govt. of India). He very well explained the Aim, Use & Benefits of ICF coding


ICF belongs to the “family” of international classifications developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for application to various aspects of health. The WHO family of international classifications provides a framework to code a wide range of information about health (e.g. diagnosis, functioning and disability, reasons for contact with health services) and uses a standardized common language permitting communication about health and health care across the world in various disciplines and sciences.

Functioning and disability associated with health conditions are classified in ICF.

ICD-10 provides a “diagnosis” of diseases, disorders or other health conditions, and this information is enriched by the additional information given by ICF on functioning together, information on diagnosis plus functioning provides a broader and more meaningful picture of the health of people or population, which can then be used for decision-making purposes.

There is a widely held misunderstanding that ICF is only about people with disabilities; in fact, it is about all people. The health and health-related states associated with all health conditions can be described using ICF. In other words, ICF has universal application.9

ICF provides a description of situations with regard to human functioning and its restrictions and serves as a framework to organize this information. It structures the information in a meaningful, interrelated and easily accessible way.

Aims of the ICF classification

A unified and standard language and framework for the description of health and health-related states. It defines components of health and some health-related components of well-being (such as education and labour).

In the elderly, there is an increased risk of developing pathological mental and paradoxical reactions (the opposite of expected) when taking Klonopin (Clonazepam), such as anxiety, agitation, irritability, aggression, hallucinations, psychosis, behavior disorders. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The domains contained in ICF can, therefore, be seen as health domains and health-related domains. These domains are described from the perspective of the body, the individual and society in two basic lists:

  1. Body Functions and Structures
  2. Activities and Participation.

The aims of the ICF (WHO 2001:5) are to:

  • provide a scientific basis for understanding and studying health and health-related states, outcomes, determinants, and changes in health status and functioning;
  • establish a common language for describing health and health-related states in order to improve communication between different users, such as health care workers, researchers, policy-makers and the public, including people with disabilities;
  • permit comparison of data across countries, health care disciplines, services and time
  • provide a systematic coding scheme for health information systems.

ICF enables the user to record useful profiles of individuals’ functioning, disability and health in various domains.

As a classification,
ICF systematically groups different domains for a person in a given health condition (e.g. what a person with a disease or disorder does do or can do).

Functioning is an umbrella term encompassing all body functions, activities and participation; similarly,

Disability serves as an umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations or participation restrictions.

Shri. Srimant Kumar

The Importance of the ICF coding was emphasized on by Shri. Srimant Kumar (ISS, Deputy Director, CBHI, DGHS, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare). Hospitals are still lacking in implementing the ICF coding. The statistics will give real data of functioning, disability and Health of Indian Healthcare.


Shri. Atul Shrivastava

The workshop concluded with vote of thanks given by Dr. P. Bokil (Principal of PGDH College, Sancheti Healthcare Academy). The workshop on ICF was enlightening and it imparted a clear understanding that ICF will definitely play an important role to improve Healthcare practices world-wide.


Shri. Anujum Uddin


Shri. Nitin Milan



My sincere thanks to the members of Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI), Shri. Atul Shrivastava & Shri. Srimant Kumar for sharing their knowledge and expertise and Shri. Nitin Milan & Shri. Anujum Uddin (JSO) for having conducted this workshop at Sancheti Hospital.