This article can be your starting point if you are planning to undergo orthopaedic surgery. Read on to know how Sancheti has the best spine specialists and hand surgery team in India to treat and care for you.
What to expect during recovery?
All surgeons will recommend rehabilitation for patients who underwent any orthopaedic surgery. This improves the range of motion, function, and greater strength and mobility, reducing pain and quickening your recovery. Most rehabilitation programs are tailored to relieve pain in specific areas after surgery. Once you discuss your expectations post-operation, your doctor will suggest the best process for recovery.
Occupational therapy
What follows your orthopedic surgery is physical/occupational therapy. Your surgeon might suggest informal therapy routines, like walking or moving the affected parts to reduce friction. Based on the severity, you need to sign up for physical therapy, spanning from a week and extending to a month. Physical or occupational therapy focuses on training the muscles and nerves to work together, restore balance and strength, learn to use canes and other helping devices and help you perform daily tasks like dressing, bathing and eating
The recovery period for each person differs. Your patience, tolerance level, and regular follow-up with your surgeon will aid in a quick recovery. It’s normal to feel the pain, even after one month of surgery. Hence, follow your surgeon’s instructions to T to get back to your routine as soon as possible.
How to optimise your healing?
Optimising your healing is as important as preparing before orthopaedic surgery. The following measures can be helpful.
Lift your affected part higher
Increasing blood circulation from the operated area to your heart is essential. Hence, learn to lift maximum, which also reduces pain and swelling.
Move other parts for reduced swelling
Though your operation targets only one part or area, the entire unit can get sore after surgery. If you have had an elbow operation, you must start moving your arms slowly, per your physical therapist’s recommendation. This makes the other surrounding parts active and reduces pain too.
Move your joints
If you had joint surgery, with your surgeon’s permission, you could perform exercises to activate the other joints. Rotate, move or bend to prevent your joints from becoming stiff. With time, you can rotate your surgical joint with others’ help.
Use necessary device
In the knee, ankle, shanks or foot surgeries, you may first need a cane or other walking devices to help you manage weight while walking. Broken bones need strength to bear weight and balance, so a walking cane is used. Using these devices would help until you can manage walking alone.
Apart from this, what you eat, and drink can help your recovery quickly. Many don’t feel like eating post-surgery, as patients feel nauseated. You can ask your doctor what to include so that you feel hydrated and energetic. Remember that food is fuel to make your body work after an operation.
How can Sancheti help you
Sancheti has the best team of orthopaedic surgeons in the country who follow the latest and minimally invasive techniques to treat our patients. Sancheti also has a fully functional rehabilitation centre, which promises a speedy recovery. Visit our website to learn more about our doctors and success stories.
People also ask
How can I maximise my healing after surgery?
Feel confident that you can get better after surgery. Hydrate and eat a nutritious meal, follow instructions and allow your body to heal. All these will maximise healing.
What is the most complex orthopaedic surgery to recover from?
Knee and shoulder replacement, spinal fusion and reconstruction are the most complex orthopedic surgeries, as these cause more pain and have more extended recovery periods. With Sancheti, you can get the best solutions for all your orthopedic issues.
How long is the healing process for orthopaedic surgery?
Four weeks is the minimum healing period for orthopedic surgery, and it can also take two to three months, based on the type of surgery and severity of the issue. With occupational and physical therapy, all patients can get back to shape within a short time.
How do you recover from orthopaedic surgery?
Physical therapy can improve your recovery after surgery, depending on your diet, health and other conditions. Simply put, trust your surgeon and follow his advice to return to your feet!
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