Spine Surgery Department

Spine Surgery Department

Spine surgery department poses as forerunners in managing spinal surgery. Spine surgery department carries out high risk spine surgery cases, spinal deformity, microscopic spine surgery and revision spine surgery.
Clinical excellence is backed by research department, high-tech surgical infrastructure including minimal invasive options, high end operating microscopes and specialized spine implants.

All complex spine surgery cases are dealt with a team approach and possibly that is the success key. Last year 11,758 new patients were seen by the spine department, while 1096 spine surgeries were performed in 2011. As a salient feature, the above number comprised of 84 Kyphoscoliotic deformity correction,72 spinal fractures, more than 350 microscopic lumbar discectomy and 42 revision spinal surgeries.

One of the soft corners of the spine team is their paraplegic rehabilitation. There have been heart-warming stories of patients walking after a successful surgical outcome. No surgical work is complete without efficient physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Sancheti Hospital’s spinal team is backed by physiotherapy department where patients get admitted for rehabilitation and further recovery.

One of the new concerns in the spine department is the rising number of Tuberculosis spine cases. It is treated by medicines and if necessary, surgical options. Spine Department at Sancheti Hospital is high performing, academically oriented and a focused towards patient care.

Spine surgery has seen it all !!!

In our initial days of practice we used to see predominantly earlier people with backache coming to spine clinic. But to our surprise we see lots of young people presenting to the clinic these days. This changing trend we see is because of lifestyle modifications happening in our current generation

1. Change in the food habits which encompass fast food and packed food culture. This saves few seconds but deprives our body of essential nutrients and exposes it to harmful preservatives which have carcinogenic potential.
2. Lack of exercises, no sunlight exposure, whole day sitting job, bad postures etc. All this factors leads to.


Spine Disorders are Divided Into


To prevent spine problems in young individuals by educating them by conducting lectures, workshops and symposium


To treat patients who have already got spinal problems

Back Pain

Back pain is the most common reason people self-treat and seek medical advice. It is studied to affect approximately three in four individuals during their lifetime. When we talk about back pain we mean pain that originates in the spine anywhere between the upper and lower back.

Treatment for back pain varies from medicines, physiotherapy, spinal injections to surgery. Majority of the patients get benefitted with non operative treatment. Only a few of them require surgery.

Sancheti Hospital spine surgery department offers a wide range of treatment varying from state of art physio, ergonomics training, postural correction and modified yoga classes, pain management clinic to a complete surgical solutions in all areas of spine.

Different types of back pain.

Acute Back Pain

Is severe but lasts short period of time.

Chronic Back Pain

Usually occurs daily. Can be severe occasionally, usually nature of pain is mild, dull aching, increases with activity and reduces with rest.

Lumbar Radicular Pain

Back or neck pain pain that travels into leg or arms respectively. It considered as radicular pain, especially when it is radiating below the knee and elbow. This suggests compression of a nerve which leads to condition called sciatica in leg and brachialgia in arms

It is common for back pain to be associated with symptoms, as tingling and numbness sensations, weakness, stiffness and occasionally involvement of bowel and bladder sensation which is known as cauda equina syndrome. It is an emergency in spine where the pinched nerve roots have to be freed immediately

Spine Surgery Department
Spine Surgery Department

Common Spinal Problems

– Back Pain
– Neck Pain
– Spondylolisthesis-One spinal bone is slipped over the other
– Prolapsed intervertebral disc (commonly known as slipped disc)
– Spinal fractures
– Osteoporosis in spine (weak bones)
– Spinal deformities- Scoliosis and Kyphosis- commonly known as crooked spine
– Spinal Infections- Tuberculosis, puogenic, fungal etc.
– Spinal Tumours- malignant and benign

Spine Surgery Department
Spine Surgery Department

Spine- Back and Neck CareSancheti Spine Center

The Service – Spine center would serve back/neck or spine pain patients efficiently, provide a comprehensive required surgical or nonsurgical treatment options.

Many people with back problems have found relief from the pain. Some patients are apprehensive towards surgery. Of all the spine patients very few would need a surgery and with current technological advances surgeries are performed with minimum risk and are delivering world class surgical outcomes

O-arm and S8 Stealth Navigation System

For Spine & Orthopaedic Surgeries

With the inclusion of the O arm ® and S8 Stealth navigation systems the department of spine surgery offers safety, accuracy, and precision in all spine surgeries being performed. The 0-arm® is the latest and third generation of spinal navigation tool that provides intraoperative 3-D CT scan-like imaging for complex spine surgeries. The O-arm imaging system provides complete multi-dimensional surgical imaging and navigation in a seamless manner. It provides surgeons with real-time, 3-Dimensional images, as well as basic 2- Dimensional fluoroscopic imaging. Accurate screw placement provides better patient safety thereby providing high-quality surgical care to patients with complex spinal deformities, minimal access surgeries, and craniovertebral junction surgeries.

O-arm Advantages

High precision | Minimally invasive| Quick recovery

O - Arm Robotic Technology Redefined


Spine surgery and treatment for various injuries and conditions come in a variety of forms and approaches. Consulting with your orthopaedic surgeon to discuss the best treatment for your back pain is important to reduce or eliminate it. To address your pain or debilitating back issues, minimally invasive methods such as pain block injections will be attempted first. If none of these work, your orthopaedic surgeon may recommend invasive spine surgery. Some of these surgeries are

  • Lumbar Decompression
  • Lumbar Discectomy
  • Herniated disc surgery
  • Spinal Fusion surgery

Spinal decompression and stabilisation is the most common spine surgery. This surgery is performed to correct the narrowing of the spine.

Although your spine is a major part of your body, not all Spine Surgeries are major surgeries. A few types of surgeries are minimally-invasive surgeries – which means the surgeon makes small incisions. With the revolutionary Robotic O ARM(S8) Navigation Technology and the Neuromonitoring System at Sancheti Hospital, Pune, each spinal surgery is performed with utmost precision, helping in better and speedy recovery after the surgery.

After your spinal surgery, you will be encouraged to walk under the supervision of the physiotherapist and likely be discharged within 4 days or less depending on the severity of the condition. It will take about 4 to 6 weeks post-surgery to start with gradual day-to-day activities. Continuing Physiotherapy exercises post-surgery will ensure a speedy recovery and boost your confidence to walk after the surgery

With the revolutionary Robotic O ARM(S8) Navigation Technology and the Neuromonitoring System where the Spinal functions are continuously monitored, the risks of spinal surgeries have become less. Some of the risks of spinal surgery can include, the recurrence of symptoms, infections, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Dural Tear, Persistent Pain and Lung Problems

Spine specialists

Dr. Shailesh HadgaonkarSpine Surgeon
Dr. Ajay Kothari
Dr. Ajay KothariSpine Surgeon
Dr. Sidhharth Aiyer
Dr. Sidhharth AiyerSpine Surgeon
Dr. Pramod Bhilare
Dr. Pramod BhilareSpine Specialist