Dr. Kailas Patil
Education: Diploma in Orthopaedics & DNB Ortho.
Specialties: Knee Arthroplasty, Knee Arthroscopy
OPD Days : Mon,Wed, Thur
Work Timing: Mon-Wed-Thur (10 am – 12 MD) | Mon & Wed (4 pm – 6 pm)
Doctor Dairy
Knee surgery looks like jeopardy to most of the people, but it is a must when it comes to this synovial joint. Today, Dr. Kailash Patil tells us what exactly happens when one undergoes knee surgery and also gives tips for healthy living and caretaking. After all, the stronger the knee the longer the walk(of life!)
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is knee replacement surgery?
Knee replacement operation, commonly known as knee arthroplasty is surgery to repair an arthritis-damaged knee. Metal and plastic parts are used to cap the ends of the bones that form the knee joint, along with the kneecap. If you have severe knee injuries or arthritis, this joint replacement surgery might be an option for you.
2. When should one have a replacement surgery?
Knee replacement surgery is typically necessary when the knee joint is worn or damaged. As a result, your mobility is reduced and you are in pain, which limits your everyday activities. A knee replacement operation may also be recommended if you experience moderate to severe knee pain even while resting. Osteoarthritis is the most common complication of knee replacement surgery. Rheumatoid arthritis is another health issue that affects the knees.
3. How long does the artificial joint last?
The knee implants used in 85% to 90% of total knee replacement patients will last 15 to 20 years. As a result, some patients who get knee replacements when they’re younger might eventually require a second operation to fix the implants and clean the bone surfaces. If you are considering having knee replacement surgery, we suggest getting in touch with Sancheti Hospital, which has the best knee replacement surgeon in Pune.
4. Can people with other issues undergo knee surgery?
A patient with atrial fibrillation or high blood pressure does not significantly enhance their risk for knee replacement surgery in an experienced hospital like Sancheti where specialists and surgeons work together. Of course, precautions must be taken, but many AFib patients recover quickly from knee replacement surgery.
5. How long does the surgery last?
The procedure takes up to 1 to 3 hours: To access your kneecap, your surgeon creates a cut along the front of your knee. This is then moved to the side so the surgeon can get to the knee joint behind it. Then the damaged ends of the shin bone and the thigh bone are removed.
6. When can a patient walk after knee replacement surgery?
Most individuals can begin walking while still receiving treatment at the hospital. To mend and recuperate, walking helps your knee receive vital nutrients. For the first few weeks, you might have to use a walker. However, the majority of the patients can walk independently roughly four to eight weeks after a total knee replacement.
7. When are the stitches removed after knee surgery?
Your wound will be closed using stitches or staples, which will probably need to be removed after 10-12 days unless they are the sort which dissolves. Your knee surgeon at Sancheti Hospital will advise you about this.
8. After knee surgery when does a patient need to come for a follow-up?
When to follow up following knee replacement surgery might be confusing for patients. Typically, patients are examined around 10-14 days post-op to check if the wound is healing and also to examine the progression of their recovery. The next appointment is scheduled for six to eight weeks later to get an x-ray and track development.
9. How long after the knee surgery is it necessary to continue taking the medications?
You should expect to take medications for up to 12 weeks after your knee replacement operation. Your surgical team at Sancheti Hospital should be able to provide you with a leaflet about pain management. Your body is using a lot of energy to heal itself, so you will feel more tired than normal.
10. When can one drive after surgery?
Generally, most patients may be able to get back to driving between two to six weeks after surgery, and your knee replacement surgeon in Pune would be in the best position to give you a more specific time based on an assessment of how well you are recovering.
11. What restrictions need to be followed after a knee replacement surgery?
Here are the dos and don’ts after knee surgery:
• Do take rehabilitation seriously. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully after surgery.
• Do use ice and heat.
• Do strive to be your healthiest self.
• Don’t put unnecessary stress on your knee.
• Don’t schedule other surgical procedures while you’re recovering.
• Don’t give up!
12. How does Sancheti Hospital help you?
Sancheti Hospital provides high-tech surgical infrastructure, minimally-invasive procedures, and expensive operating microscopes for a speedy recovery of knee replacement patients. Experienced and qualified surgeons provide round-the-clock monitoring of the patient’s condition and response to ongoing treatment.
13. What is the cost of knee replacement surgery?
The cost of knee replacement surgery usually ranges between Rs 1,50,000 to Rs 3,80,000 in India. However, the exact price would vary depending on the condition of your knee and the type of surgery you need.